Cure Parkinsons Trust

Cure Parkinson’s Trust – Donation 2020

Email received from Simon Green, Trusts Officer 18th March 2020:

Dear Jonathan

On behalf of everyone at The Cure Parkinson’s Trust, I am writing to thank the Ten Percent Foundation for your kind donation of £500.00. Every donation makes such a difference to the research we are able to fund. 

The Cure Parkinson’s Trust is dedicated to uncovering treatments that could slow, stop or reverse Parkinson’s for the first time in the history of the disease. We are increasing our influence on the global field of Parkinson’s and raising more funds to be invested in ground-breaking research, exemplified by our flourishing Linked Clinical Trials programme.

I noted that you mentioned you would like to hear a little more about some of our work. International Linked Clinical Trials (iLCT) form the backbone of the work we do here. These are clinical research trials which repurpose drugs already in use to treat disease. By repurposing drugs, we can fast-track treatments and get closer to a cure more quickly. One of our most promising trials is testing a drug called Bydureon. This is a diabetes medication which has shown real promise at slowing the progression of Parkinson’s. The phase 2 trial is complete and we are now in the process of doing some preliminary testing prior to beginning the phase 3 (final phase) of this important trial. 

Would you like me to send you some more information about our International Linked Clinical Trials? I’d be more than happy to do so. 

Thank you once again for your continued support. 

With best wishes,


Simon Green

Trusts Officer

The Cure Parkinson’s Trust

120 New Cavendish Street



0207 487 3892