Door 84

Door 84, York £500 Donation

Charity Focus – Door 84, York – £500 donation

The Ten Percent Foundation recently donated £500 to Door 84, a charity based in York, after one of our transcription clients at York St John University, Carole Pugh, nominated them for funding.

Who are Door 84?

Door 84 was established in 1969 as a youth centre in York. They provide youth & community sessions each week from their centre in the city.

Door 84 is seen as a trusted source of support amongst young people and the wider community, including those who are sometimes mistrustful of ‘traditional’ authority figures. Young people attending Door 84 sessions are more than 5 times as likely to be living in deprivation as the average young person in York, with almost two thirds (64%) coming from the 4 most deprived wards in York. They are 13 times more likely to have been in trouble with the police than the average young person in England and Wales.

Organisation and Project Background

Door 84 is a youth and community centre which provides activities for young people aged 8-25, and the wider community, in York. In the last 3 years, the centre has had 409 individual young people register with them. They offer a range of weekly sessions, 6-10 day trips and 2-3 residential trips each year. The youth club is open all year-round, with the exception of bank holidays and the Christmas holidays.

Community Sparks

Door 84 also provides regular activities for adults with a range of abilities and disabilities, in the form of its Community Sparks sessions: an activity & social session on Tuesdays, and an inclusive disco on Thursdays, which also provide supported volunteering opportunities.

The club is currently expanding its offer to the wider community, with a food bank established in 2019, and plans for a community café and advice service.


The request for funding has been made to go towards the running costs of Community Sparks sessions each week.

Carole Pugh, a trustee at the charity said “we are very thankful for your support and will keep you updated about the work of the project.”

What is this all about?

Ten-Percent and Jonathan Fagan Business Brokers donate 10% of annual net profits to charity via the Ten Percent Foundation, a charitable trust set up by our group of companies, to distribute monies to charities in the UK and Africa. We have been doing this for over 20 years. The Foundation never incurs any administration costs (other than bank charges which are minimal). All monies donated are distributed to charities and community organisations.

Why do we donate?

We set up our companies over 20 years ago with the aim of being ethical in everything we did. As part of this we decided that a percentage of our profits should always be earmarked for charitable work and set the rate at ten percent. A sudden burst of inspiration meant we called ourselves the Ten Percent Group.

Nominations 2023

We received over 35 charity nominations from academic clients, business clients, transcribers and staff. Decisions have been made to award c£25k to 17 charities and we will be writing about each successful charity over the next year.

We have a strict list of criteria in relation our donating which is available on the Ten Percent Foundation website.

Donations tend to be within the range of £500-£2000 per charity per year, although in the past we have supported charities over a period of 5 years with donations going towards specific ongoing projects.

If you have any questions about the work of the Ten Percent Foundation, please email or visit our website at