Apply for Funding


We donate to charities to support specific projects or ongoing costs, but only when the charity meets our donation criteria.


Charity Focus

The charity deals with a range of work that appeals to us (see below)


Charity Motive

The charity has no ulterior motive, e.g. religious teachings or political leanings


Charity Ethics

The charity appeals to do some good and does not hoard money or spend it frivolously.


Salary Requirements

The charity pays its staff a reasonable and not excessive level of remuneration. For us, the level is £75,000 as an absolute maximum. We would only expect to see 1 or 2 staff in large charities on salaries of more than £60,000.

Charity Focus

The Ten-Percent Foundation trustees are particularly interested in the following types of charity focus.

Small tangible projects in the Global South, e.g. education
Poverty in the UK
Support for stammering and children with speech impediments
Support for people who have Parkinson’s
Support for people who have had a stroke
Support and working with ex-offenders
Support for victims of domestic violence
Youth work in areas particularly affected by poverty
Animal Conservation
Rainforest Conservation
Local sports clubs and organisations
Ethical funding

Apply for Funding

Please note the following guidelines for Funding

  1. Your charity name.
  2. The geographical locations your charity operates in.
  3. What do you require the funding for? Be as specific as possible.
  4. How much do you want? Please remember that we are a small charity and rarely donate more than £2,000 annually to any charity. Over the years, we have supported several charities to the tune of around £10,000 each.
  5. Confirmation that you fit the criteria above, in particular the salary requirements. Please note that we do check this information with the Charity Commission.
  6. Confirmation that you consent to any publicity we choose to do about any donation we make to your charity.