my time young carers

My Time Young Carers, Dorset £500 donation

We recently decided to donate £500 to My Time Young Carers in Dorset, and this is a brief outline about the charity and their work. The charity was nominated by Helen Leach at the University of Leicester – many thanks Helen!

There are 700,000 young carers (5-25 years old) in the UK, and MYTIME Young Carers is a charity that exists to support them.

The charity believes that young carers have been hidden in society for too long, with the vast majority juggling a huge amount of responsibility unsupported. “At MYTIME we recognise and celebrate the incredible young people who do so much to support those that they care for. We believe that young carers should have access to the support, the friendships, and the opportunities every child deserves.”

The charity helps young carers as follows:

Giving young carers something to look forward to amidst challenging circumstances,create breaks for young carers and safe spaces, offer social opportunities for young carers to connect with one another, empower young carers with new skills, confidence and self-worth, identify training opportunities and pathways to employment for young adult carers, educate schools, local authorities and communities to increase support and understanding for young carers and provide support to young carer parents, siblings and other family members.

Our £500 donation is being put towards the activity days and online youth groups the charity runs for young carers aimed at giving them much-needed breaks from their caring responsibilities and time just to have fun and be children.

What is this all about?

Ten-Percent and Jonathan Fagan Business Brokers donate 10% of annual net profits to charity via the Ten Percent Foundation, a charitable trust set up by our group of companies, to distribute monies to charities in the UK and Africa. We have been doing this for over 20 years. The Foundation never incurs any administration costs (other than bank charges which are minimal). All monies donated are distributed to charities.

Why do we donate?

We set up our companies over 20 years ago with the aim of being ethical in everything we did. As part of this we decided that a percentage of our profits should always be earmarked for charitable work and set the rate at ten percent. A sudden burst of inspiration meant we called ourselves the Ten Percent Group.

Nominations 2023

We received over 35 charity nominations from academic clients, business clients, transcribers and staff. Decisions have been made to award c£25k to 17 charities and we will be writing about each successful charity over the next year.

We have a strict list of criteria in relation our donating which is available on the Ten Percent Foundation website.

Donations tend to be within the range of £500-£2000 per charity per year, although in the past we have supported charities over a period of 5 years with donations going towards specific ongoing projects.

If you have any questions about the work of the Ten Percent Foundation, please email or visit our website at