Cure Parkinsons Trust

The Cure Parkinson’s Trust

Letter received from The Cure Parkinson’s Trust re our recent donation.

Mr Jonathan Fagan
The Ten-Percent Foundation
Derwen Bach
Glyndwr Road

05 March 2019

Dear Jonathan
On behalf of everyone at The Cure Parkinson’s Trust thank you for your Foundation’s kind donation of £1,000. Your donation will make a real difference to the research we are able to fund this year.
We will direct your donation to support our Linked Clinical Trials (LCT) programme, an innovative approach to Parkinson’s research which aims to fast track treatments through ‘drug repurposing’. By testing drugs that are already available for other diseases, this programme can reduce the traditional cost of developing a new drug and accelerate the process in which they reach patients. It also fosters partnerships, ensuring the entire Parkinson’s community is working together to deliver a cure. All the drugs in the LCT programme are evaluated by a committee of renowned experts, and drugs that show strong biochemical potential to slow, stop or reverse Parkinson’s are recommended to move forward into a clinical trial.
Since its launch in 2012 the LCT programme has changed the landscape of Parkinson’s research. Drugs in this programme are being tested in the UK, Europe, the US and Australia, and by the end of 2019 we aim to have 17 trials either in progress or completed. Each of these trials represents the possibility of changing the progression of the disease for the first time in its history.
However, our work cannot stop here. Parkinson’s is a unique condition that presents itself differently in every person, and we know that multiple treatment options are required if we are to have an impact on every person living with Parkinson’s. Our expert committee has prioritised a further 40 drugs that show real promise of slowing, stopping or reversing Parkinson’s and our aim is to fund or facilitate funding to move each one into trial. Your donation will help us to achieve this.
I hope to be in touch again in the spring with a copy of our Annual Review, and in the meantime if you would like any further information about our work please do get in touch at 020 7487 3892 or Once again thank you for your generous donation which will help us to change the lives of people with Parkinson’s forever.
Yours sincerely
Maisie Johnson
Senior Trusts Officer
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