
Unlock Donation 2021

I am delighted to confirm that the donation of £500 from the Ten Percent Foundation has been safely received into our bank account. We are very grateful that you remembered and nominated us. Thank you so much for your support, and please pass on our appreciation to the Trustees. As a small charity with a firm commitment to remaining independent, your support is invaluable. I will be happy to supply a short report, in about 12 months, which will show how we spent the donation and how it contributed to our work. If you would like to hear from us before then, please let me know.

Despite the challenges and traumas of Covid and lockdowns, we have achieved much during the last twelve months and, under the direction of our new CEO, Angela Cairns, we look forward to delivering on our new 2021-26 Strategic Plan.

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any queries or if there are any areas of our work that you would like to know more about.

Thank you once again, we deeply appreciate this support.

Yours sincerely,

Julie Harmsworth

Co-director email julie.harmsworth@unlock.org.uk

tel 01622 230754 (direct)